How To Look After Your Lips This Time Of Year November 07 2013
So… have you (like me) finally realised the count down to Christmas is on and accepted winter is here? I am constantly thinking about everyone else and presents, presents, presents! BUT I am also thinking about kissable lips, well I am hoping for lots of mistletoe;-)!
I tend to find this time of year my lips get dry and often flaky and if you’re like me a bit lazy with products in this area, then join my club and get them in tip top shape for the festivities. It is really important to exfoliate your lips when exfoliating your face. Use your regular exfoliator over this area too or even use a dry toothbrush gently over your lips to keep them smooth.
I am trying out a few lip products to keep them well moisturised, lips are very sensitive and have little in the way of sebaceous glands so they dry easily. There are lots of lip products available now. I use a moisturiser in the morning for the lip and eye area, which also helps to prevent any fine lip lines developing. During the day I use a balm, constantly to keep them shiny and supple and at night I like to pop my favourite anti-ageing oil on them for a bedtime treat. It really has made a huge difference and my pout is definitely improving! Join the club and get some lip products to help your lips stay young and youthful through Crimbo and into 2014!!
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